![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Monday, June 09, 2003 - 01:55 pm ![]() Can utter destruction be far in the future? Mainstreaming deviancy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: June 9, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2003 Creators Syndicate, Inc. Having seen the ratings bonanza of the reality dating shows "The Bachelor," "Joe Millionaire" and "The Bachelorette," the NBC-owned cable channel Bravo is getting in on the action. And to lure a perhaps jaded audience, it has come up with a new twist. In July, Bravo begins airing "Boy Meets Boy," a six-episode series starring a bachelor who chooses, from 15 male contestants, a lover with whom he wishes to share a vacation, paid for by Bravo. To spice up the series, several contestants are straight males, who hide their orientation. The prizes? According to Lisa de Moraes of the New York Post, "If the leading man picks a gay man to be his mate, he wins a cash prize and a vacation with his guy of choice. Should he pick a straight guy, the straight guy wins a cash prize because, executive producer Doug Ross (says), 'to get them to do this you have to dangle more than a sociological experiment and exploring ... gay issues.'" I'll bet. The contestants were forbidden to do more than kiss, though Ross concedes he cannot be sure what went on once the lead man took a contestant home for the night. The show, he says, was all played "in the spirit of fun and progressive gay values." Yet, ratings and raking in bucks for Bravo are just one motive behind this show. A second is social subversion, the breaking down of taboos. As Scott Seomin of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance told the Post, "This is going to blur the boundaries of what is thought to be straight and what is thought to be gay in this country." Bravo officials admit "Boy Meets Boy" was designed and created to "challenge preconceived notions of what is considered gay and straight behavior." In short, this show is meant to break down the moral norms of society that, for 2,000 years, have held that for men to engage in sex with other men is unnatural, immoral and destructive of body, soul and society alike. How far we have come in so short a time. If memory serves, it was only a decade ago that Ellen DeGeneres kissed Anne Heche on television. While that caused a sensation, "Boy Meets Boys" has attracted little controversy. Alexander Pope remains prophetic: Vice is a monster of so frightful mien As to be hated needs but to be seen. Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face We first endure, then pity, then embrace. In its relentless drive to overthrow the moral code that has guided Western civilization since Constantine, the homosexual lobby has moved from triumph to triumph in a few years. And what would constitute total victory for "gay values" over traditional values? Answer: Acceptance by a majority of Americans of the idea that homosexual relations are as natural, normal and moral as those between a man and his wife, and the extension of the full rights of married couples to homosexual unions. Victory is not yet at hand, but the "gay-rights" movement has made strides that would have astonished previous generations. Democratic leaders like Hillary Clinton now march in "Gay Pride" parades, as her party endorses the full homosexual agenda with the exception of "gay" marriage. Howard Dean is almost there. As for the Republican Party, it is now a Big Tent where the Log Cabin Club coexists with a Religious Right that is coming to believe it has been sold out by the man it endorsed for president. If a vote were taken among our cultural and media elite from Manhattan to Hollywood, the entire "gay-rights" agenda – including "gay" marriage and adoption rights – would be approved. Already, the New York Times publishes formal photographs of gay wedding partners. Among baby boomers and Generation X-ers, millions think that refusing to accept the equality of homosexual unions and traditional marriage is as bigoted as denying the equality of blacks and whites. But, as Americans laugh with "Boy Meets Boy," consider what we will be smirking at: a "lifestyle" that is the leading cause of the spread of an HIV virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of "gay" men in America, a death-style that appears to cut off decades of life of those who indulge in it. Even a casual reading of the obituary pages of the prestige press reveals that among the most famous who embrace the "gay" lifestyle, life is short. And the star of "Boy Meets Boy" is no boy. He is already 32. If the tenets of the "gay-rights" movement are true, the Torah and New Testament are wrong, Christianity has been wrong since the time of St. Paul, Aquinas and Augustine were wrong, and the moral edifice by which men in the West have lived for 2,000 years was built on bigotry, prejudice and lies. Was it? --------------------------------------- Patrick J. Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of the new magazine, The American Conservative. Now a commentator and columnist, he served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national television shows, and is the author of seven books. See what else Pat Buchanan is doing these days.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Monday, June 23, 2003 - 08:33 pm ![]() Canada Redefines Marriage: The Hidden Agenda By Henry Makow, PhD, 6-22-3 Excerpt: Last week, Canada announced plans to "change the legal definition of marriage" to permit homosexuals to marry. Marriage will be defined as any union between two men, two women; or a man and a woman. According to the latest census, cohabiting gays and lesbians make up half-of-one per cent of the population. The number who wish to marry is even less. It would have been simple to satisfy their wish by creating a separate-but-equal marital status. Instead the government is affronting the vast majority of Canadians by treating their marriages as though they were homosexual. Why? ...Family breakdown was not an accident. It was the result of a deliberate campaign of psychological warfare designed to destabilize and depopulate society… (Read the full story at: http://www.rense.com/general38/makhid.htm)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, June 26, 2003 - 02:53 pm ![]() When does the cleansing process begin? Supreme Court Rejects Ban on Homosexual Acts NewsMax.com Wires and NewsMax.com Thursday, June 26, 2003 WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 today that Texas' ban on homosexual sodomy is unconstitutional. The court's majority cited the "due process," or fair proceedings, clause of the Constitution. The majority opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy was broad and could have implications for the sexual privacy of all Americans. Kennedy: Right to Privacy The majority ruled that the due-process clause gives homosexuals "the full right to engage in private conduct without government intervention." The law "demeans the lives of homosexual persons," Kennedy wrote. The men "are entitled to respect for their private lives," he said. "The state cannot demean their existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime." Scalia: A Battle in the 'Culture War' Justice Antonin Scalia filed a dissent joined by Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Clarence Thomas. Scalia said the Texas ban did not infringe a "fundamental right." "The court has largely signed on to the so-called homosexual agenda," Scalia wrote. He took the unusual step of reading his dissent from the bench. "The court has taken sides in the culture war," said Scalia, who insisted he had "nothing against homosexuals." "This reasoning leaves on shaky, pretty shaky grounds, state laws limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples." Thomas: 'Silly' Law, but No Right to Privacy Thomas wrote separately that although he considered the Texas law "uncommonly silly," he found no general right to privacy in the Constitution. If he were a Texas legislator, he said, he would vote to repeal the law. "Punishing someone for expressing his sexual preference through noncommercial consensual conduct with another adult does not appear to be a worthy way to expend valuable law enforcement resources," Thomas wrote. Texas officials said the law promoted marriage and family, and argued that communities had the right to choose their own standards. Some supporters of the state's case said that invalidating sodomy laws could lead to legalization of same-sex marriage. Many legal, medical and civil liberties groups joined homosexual groups in supporting the Texas men. The case is Lawrence vs. Texas, 02-102. It began in 1998 when a when a neighbor with a grudge telephoned police and said that a man was "going crazy" in an apartment. Police entered the apartment and found John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner engaged in anal sex. They were each fined $200 and spent a night in jail for the misdemeanor sex charge. Every state had an anti-sodomy law as recently as 1960. Of the 13 that remain, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri prohibit oral and anal sex between people of the same sex. Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia ban sodomy for everyone. Today's ruling apparently invalidates those laws as well. Strong Reactions Homosexual rights organizations rejoiced at the ruling, which libertarians supported and social conservatives condemned. "This is historic," said Kate Kendall, executive director of National Center for Lesbian Rights. "There is not a gay person in this country who has not lived their entire life under the yoke of these laws existing somewhere. "It absolutely signals an entirely changed landscape," she said. "It's impossible to be considered a full and equal citizen if you're a criminal in 13 states." The ruling marks "a cultural change as much as a legal change." "Apparently they have gone the whole route and fully legitimized sodomy in America," said Scott Lively, director of Pro Family Law Center. "This is going to have terrible consequences for our nation. In essence, the court has said that states cannot regulate harmful sexual conduct." Mathew D. Staver, president and general counsel of Liberty Counsel, wrote to NewsMax: "Today’s decision has awakened a sleeping giant and will galvanize and reinvigorate the majority of Americans who believe in traditional marriage but have ignored the radical agenda of the same-sex marriage movement. The goal of the radical homosexual agenda is to eliminate any and all laws regulating consensual sexual conduct. This would mean the elimination of laws banning polygamy as well as those that ban sex between adults and minors.” Charles Francis, founder of Republican Unity Coalition, which counts former President Gerald Ford and former Sen. Alan Simpson as honorary members, said: "Given previous rulings, it's extraordinary and it's inspiring that the court ruled that gays and lesbians be treated the same as their straight brothers and sisters, no better and no worse. Today's ruling is not a victory for gays nearly so much as a victory for the four words carved in stone on the court house: Equal Justice Under Law." Copyright 2003 by United Press International.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, June 29, 2003 - 11:53 pm ![]() It's not just about gay sex, is it? It's about adult sex of either gender. Looks like the moralists got beat on this one. It's a battle between those that view sex as recreation, and those that only have sex for "babies". I bet some of them don't even get fully nekked, or keep the lights on (heaven forbid!)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, July 02, 2003 - 02:12 pm ![]() Another great article from the Meridian Magazine on the dangers of discarding moral laws in favor of immoral deviancy. Never in human history has there been as much personal liberty on the planet as there is today. Because of this great expansion of personal freedom, many Westerners are rightly zealous to maintain it. “Live and let live” has become the byword of the day and people are constantly warned not to be judgmental or intolerant of others, lest someday those others become intolerant of them. A great mass of Westerners have become “civil libertarians,” who regardless of their political affiliation or religious ideals believe in personal freedom as a supreme right that should not be trampled. At the same time, there is a growing cultural war going on in Western societies. On one side of the cultural war is a group I will call for simplicity’s sake “liberal secular humanists.” On the other side is a group I will describe as “Biblical-based conservatives.” Civil libertarians are often caught in the middle of the battle between these two groups but usually feel more sympathetic toward the first group. This is a huge and ultimately costly mistake for civil libertarians. The ascendance of liberal secular humanist ideas will inevitably lead to greater and intractable restrictions on personal freedom, and many of the victims will be people who are civil libertarians. Defining Terms First, let’s define some terms. Who are civil libertarians? They are people whose lives have been made better by the expansion of personal freedom living primarily in the modern, industrialized societies including the United States and Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. These people recognize they have more personal liberty to believe as they want, travel as they want and work as they want than any other time in human history. Regardless of whether or not these people believe in a Creator, they agree with the Declaration of Independence’s credo that freedom is an “self-evident,” “inalienable” right. Because of this love for freedom, some civil libertarians take more extreme positions such as opposing any public religious expression at all. The ACLU is one of these groups. But the silent majority of civil libertarians are people of basic common sense who understand that freedom is a precious commodity that is often the first victim in any disagreement. These people understand that people with power will often lash out against those who contradict them and that a just society should protect the rights of the minority to express opinions, including religious opinions. So, the first goal of true civil libertarians should be to be on the lookout for tyrants and potential tyrants, groups or individuals who try to suppress opinions that don’t agree with those in power. Who are liberal secular humanists? This is a broad coalition of groups that may not even realize it is a coalition. But in general, these are people who hold up standards like “tolerance” and “nondiscrimination.” This group believes that the human race is progressing due to the inevitable evolution of secular humanistic ideas. This group believes that all of the most important recent improvements in society – the end of slavery, better race relations, more income equality – are due to its efforts to create a more humane and just paradigm. This group believes that moral standards will change over time and that people should adjust to the new moral standards as they come about. But the primary foundation of the belief system of this group is human “reason,” the supreme ability of human beings to create new and more just rules and standards over time. This group completely dominates European and Canadian politics. At its core are Greens and other environmentalists, “progressives,” Social Democrats, radical feminists and pro-homosexual groups. The other group, “Biblical-based conservatives,” is diametrically opposed to the secular humanist ideal because it believes that moral standards do not change over time. This group sees history as cyclical rather than an inevitable progression toward some man-made paradise. This group believes that human beings are flawed and have a tendency toward making mistakes and need guidance from a Creator to know the difference between right and wrong. This group believes that many recent improvements in society have taken place because they are part of the Creator’s plan and points out that good religious people played an important role in all of the most important societal advancements. Most importantly, this group believes in something called the “Laws of Nature,” which are right there in the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence. This group believes that the Natural Law, which basically corresponds to the 10 commandments, is something implanted on human consciences by the Creator. This group states that violating the Natural Law will lead to anarchy and unhappiness and recommends that societies worldwide accept the Natural Law so they can function well. This group holds that belief in the Creator is the anchor that helps societies through difficult times and warns that marginalizing or ignoring the Creator will inevitably lead to chaos and loss of personal freedom because human beings are incapable of maintaining a justice society without Divine guidance. The group currently dominates politics in the United States and Israel and is a shrinking minority as a serious political force in the rest of the Western world. Today’s Key Battlefield The key battlefield issue today between secular humanists and Biblical-based conservatives is homosexual marriage and the supposed “discriminatory” behavior of private groups such as the Boy Scouts that exclude open homosexuals. An honest study of this and other key causes of the secular humanist group will show that while they claim to promote “tolerance” and “nondiscrimination” their true goal is to repress and prohibit the free speech of those who dare to disagree with them. People who truly love liberty should be appalled. Let’s consider the Boy Scouts of America first. The Boy Scouts are a group that wholeheartedly subscribes to the Biblical worldview. Their motto includes the Scout Oath, which is that the scout will do his “duty to God and my country” and will keep himself “morally straight.” The Boy Scouts have stated repeatedly that “an avowed homosexual cannot serve as a role model for the traditional moral values espoused in the Scout Oath.” This position is clearly at odds with the secular humanist worldview and its pro-homosexual wing. Given the difference between the secular human worldview and the Boy Scouts’ worldview, the secular humanists had some choices. They could have ignored the Scouts altogether or they could have formed their own, separate Gay Scouts group. A Vital Point There is a vital point that has been missed by most of the media in this debate: the United States Constitution provides the right for private groups to choose their membership based on their own standards. Private chess clubs have the right to be filled with chess players, not checkers players. Private men’s clubs have the right to exclude women. Private black clubs have the right to exclude whites. That is what being a private club is all about. There is a crucial point here: it is basic common sense and a very foundational precept of social justice that people should be able to choose their own friends and the type of people with whom they associate. If we trample on people’s rights to choose their own friends, and form their own “club” including these friends, we are undermining one of the key pillars of human liberty that is so dear to most people in the West. If the homosexual lobby were truly interested in human liberty, it would simply leave the Boy Scouts alone and form its own group of Gay Scouts. But that is clearly not the goal. The goal is the destruction and censorship of a group with which it disagrees. The goal is to end the freedom of the people who belong to the Boy Scouts to decide with whom they choose to associate. The goal is tearing down something, not building up something. The relentlessness of this campaign is mind-boggling. Pro-homosexual groups are systematically moving from city to city trying and often succeeding in badgering groups that support the Boy Scouts – such as the United Way – to end this support. The Boy Scouts have bravely stood up against this battle, but liberal secular humanists and their allies in the media have succeeded in painting the Boy Scouts as the bad guys when in fact they are simply the victims. People who love freedom of personal choice should consider this issue extremely carefully. Today it’s just the Boy Scouts. Tomorrow it could be another group that is more important to you. The point is that if we allow the Boy Scouts to be persecuted we are opening the door for others to determine for us what groups we can and cannot belong to. Is that really the kind of society we want to build, where anybody who doesn’t like my values can determine for me with whom I associate? Marriage Attacked So, today it’s the Boy Scouts. Tomorrow it’s marriage. Because that’s the next target of secular humanists. In our modern culture, you are free to have a wide variety of lifestyle choices. Gays are free to be out of the closet and prideful. Transexuals are free to flaunt themselves. People who live together without being married are not harassed or questioned. Even amidst the most sexually liberal groups, there has been a tacit understanding that marriage either stands for something or it stands for nothing. Social liberals often make the choice not to get married because they are not willing to make that type of commitment and they are not interested in having children. Until recently, even the most liberal social experimenters understood that marriage meant a commitment that usually involved raising children. Biblical conservatives understand that marriage is the very foundation of a society. In this worldview, God created Adam and Eve and asked them to populate the Earth because the man and the woman have unique, complementary roles. The man is not complete without the woman, nor the woman without the man in a family setting. Study after study has shown that children are happier, more respectful, learn better and adjust better to society when being raised by their mother and father. Homosexual marriage has now been legalized in Canada, in addition to at least two European countries. The Massachusetts Supreme Court is expected to decide to legalize homosexual marriage. So, what’s the big deal? Marriage is a heterosexual club. It’s very purpose has always been to support the traditional family: father, mother, children. Homosexuals have until recently not been part of that club. Gays and lesbians can have “public commitment ceremonies.” They have the complete right to live together and revel in their lifestyle. And given the very nature of the majority of homosexual relationships, where the commitment level is significantly lower than in heterosexual relationships, gays and lesbians have chosen not to pursue marriage because it is a foreign experience. Until now. Now, they want in the club. But, just as allowing homosexual troop leaders into the Boy Scouts would change the very nature of what the Boy Scouts are and what they stand for, allowing homosexual marriage would change the very nature of what marriage stands for. What possible legal justification could any court use to refuse a woman from marrying two men if the definition of marriage is changed to allow homosexual marriage? Wouldn’t that be “intolerant” and “discriminatory” toward that polyandric group? The Pro-pedophila Movement It’s worth reminding ourselves that the pro-pedophilia movement is growing in lockstep with the increasing normalization of homosexuality. Groups such as the “Man-Boy Love” organization are asking for “tolerance” and are insisting on the decriminalization of sex acts between adult males and young boys. If current trends continue, it will be legally impossible to justify keeping pedophilia a criminal act. And why not? After all, if men can marry other men, then men should be able to marry a 17-year-old boy. And if he can marry a 17-year-old boy, shouldn’t he be allowed to marry a 15-year-old or a 13-year-old? And if they’re married, they should obviously be allowed to have sex. And if he can have sex with a boy he’s married to, shouldn’t he be allowed to have sex with any boy at all, including the ones that catch his fancy while walking around the mall? The horror with which thinking people greet this situation is appropriate. What exactly is going to happen to our culture when we begin normalizing this type of behavior? Is this really the type of society we want, where any and all sexual behavior goes? If raising children is difficult today, imagine a culture where pederasts roam free scoping out potential “dates” among teenagers and even younger children with complete impunity and legal protection. How exactly will this scenario lead to greater freedom for anybody except for sexual deviants? The majority of people will huddle in their homes afraid to let their children out of their sight. Is This Scenario Extreme Is this scenario too extreme? It would appear not. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia pointed out in his dissent to the recent Court decision shooting down anti-sodomy laws that the court’s position opens the doors for gay marriage. The point is clear: any attempt to normalize any non-traditional sexual behavior will inevitably lead to normalizing all non-traditional sexual behavior. Again, the tactics of the secular humanists who support gay marriage do not create greater human freedom. Gays have the freedom to be with other gay adults with or without homosexual marriage. The strategy is purely destructive. The strategy is to force their way at gunpoint into a club that has until now been somebody else’s club, not because they want to really join the club but because they want to destroy the club entirely. It is worth noting that all democratic considerations of gay marriage have ended in failure for the homosexual lobby. State after state that has voted on gay marriage has turned it down. So, the gay lobby has turned to the courts to overcome the will of the majority of people. And the gay lobby has mounted a massive propaganda campaign to demonize anybody who disagrees with its position. People who dare to defy the gay lobby are labeled as “homophobes” which is really a very clever code word that means “afraid of homosexuals because he thinks he might be one.” Stop and think about this for a second. The key insult that the homosexual lobby uses against pro-family groups is that they are afraid of gays because they all secretly feel they might have gay tendencies. Inherent in that insult is the recognition that there is simply not right, not natural, about homosexual activity. By throwing around the code word “homophobe,” gays are tacitly admitting that there is something wrong and unnatural about their acts, but they are insisting on the right to do it anyway. There is a pattern at work here that is worth noting. Secular humanists have mounted a series of campaigns on key social issues, and their tactics are very similar in each campaign. A Pattern Let’s look at the pattern: 1)First, ask for tolerance for acts that are wrong. 2)Second, ask for decriminalization of the acts that are wrong. 3)Third, marginalize and intimidate those who question the acts that are wrong. 4)Use the courts or other non-democratic means to impose the minority will on the majority. 5)Discriminate against and be intolerant toward those who remind the world that the acts that are wrong are still wrong. 6)Use criminal sanctions against the people who still say the wrong acts are wrong. 7)Make illegal the institutions that still dare to teach that these acts are wrong. 8)Take away the property of those who dare to continue to insist that these acts are wrong. This precise process was proceeding beautifully for the pro-abortion lobby until recently. The pro-abortion cause, a favorite of secular humanists, is today at step 5 of this plan. The key step of the pro-abortion lobby was to make it wrong to be against abortion by painting everybody who is against legalized abortion as a violent fundamentalist extremist. But the horrifying reality of 40 million murdered babies in America since Roe v. Wade made abortion legal against the majority will has begun to change the political landscape. Miraculously, more and more young people are growing up to understand the basic wrong with abortion, and the recent decision against partial birth abortions is a sign that the pendulum may be swinging the other way. Now, let’s consider the pro-pornography crowd. Today, we are at number 5 of the pro-pornography crowd’s plan to flood the world with sexual images. Despite the recent Supreme Court decision in favor of anti-pornography filters on Internet access at libraries, the anti-pornography movement has been successfully marginalized. Major universities now offer classes that require students to watch and even participate in pornography as part of the class. Consider for a moment Hollywood’s law suits against Cleanflicks and other companies that try to cut pornography out of movies. It is only a matter of time until speech limits are imposed on speaking out against pornography and institutions that oppose pornography will be criminalized and their property confiscated. The Campaign Against Free Speech Skeptical? Ponder for a moment the issue of “hate speech” against homosexuals. In Canada and some Western European countries, it is illegal to oppose homosexual activity. Media are prohibited from publishing Biblical passages condemning homosexuality (you know we are in trouble when Western countries are censoring the Bible). Biblical conservatives who have dared to challenge this law have been prosecuted, fined and thrown in jail. Unless the pendulum swings back, it is only a matter of time until churches or any organization that point out that homosexuality is a sin will be subject to prosecution in these countries and the United States. Again, is this the type of society people who love freedom are willing to tolerate? Do we really want to criminalize the beliefs of others? Time and again, secular humanists use extremist tactics to force their agenda upon the world. Take for example, the European Commission’s consideration of legislation that would make it illegal for broadcasters and advertisers to show sexist images. The law would ban “stereotyping” women’s roles, a definition so broad that a huge bureaucracy would need to be developed just to monitor and approve television content. The key proponents of these laws are radical feminists who are offended by the things they see on television and want to force everybody else to accept their values. It is worth noting that many Biblical conservatives are also offended by many of the things on television, but, in contrast to radical feminist groups in Europe none of the major Biblical conservative groups today supports censorship. These groups have asked broadcasters to tone down the mind-numbing amount of sex and violence on television today and have asked for “children’s hours” and other steps to protect the young, but they do not support censorship. They pressure advertisers and try to appeal to moral standards, but they do not take the radical steps that the feminists in Europe support, because, unlike the secular humanists, Biblical conservatives believe in the basic right of human freedom. One of the most poignant examples of the extremes that secular humanists are willing to go to to pursue their agendas involves institutes of higher learning. Because of the complete domination by secular humanists of the faculty and administration at almost all campuses, conservative thoughts and opinions have practically disappeared. Conservatives or libertarians at major university fight pathetic battles for free speech against an unending tide of dissent that refuses to allow them to be heard. It is worth noting that most of the elite universities in the United States started out as Christian-based institutions. Until very recently, students were encouraged to read the Classics and explore a wide variety of different viewpoints. Students with radical viewpoints were not shouted down but were allowed to pursue their studies as part of the learning process. Today, of course, universities have simply become training center for people with secular humanists worldviews. The only opinions that are allowed to be expressed are those that fit that worldview. The tyranny of the secular humanist viewpoint should be expected. The vast majority of human existence has involved despotic leaders suppressing anybody with the temerity to oppose them. This is simply part of human nature: people with power do not enjoy being contradicted. Once secular humanists gain control of an institution such as a university, they feel an overwhelming desire to make sure their ideas dominate. Civil libertarians need ask themselves if Biblical-based conservatives would be any different. And the answer for modern times would, surprisingly for some, be yes. The Major Difference The major difference between Biblical-based conservatives and secular humanists is, of course, their view of man’s relationship with Deity. Secular humanists, whether they are nominally “religious” or not, believe that human reason should dominate decision-making, and Biblical conservatives rely on God-given tradition and the Natural Law. Biblical-based conservatives believe they will be held accountable before God for their actions on Earth. They believe a society should be run on certain unalterable principles, the majority of which are expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Most conservatives believe God Himself inspired the principles framed in our founding documents. That is why conservatives constantly want to hearken back to the original meaning of the Constitution in looking at how a society should be administered. To run a truly just society, we must constantly ask ourselves how the Founding Fathers would have adjudicated these issues. The Founding Fathers were clearly aware that there was something special about the Judeo-Christian tradition. They understood that Biblical-based values created just the right mixture of liberty and virtue to promote freedom and happiness. The very nature of these religions, which for the most part did not force religious conversions, were unique at the time. Over time, the uniqueness of the Judeo-Christian tradition has continued and become more marked. While Muslims are threatened with death for converting to another religion and Hindus suffer persecution, Christians and Jews are given complete freedom to believe as they please. Yes, America produces tens of thousands of evangelist and Latter-day Saint missionaries who travel the world trying to convert people, but the process is completely voluntary. If somebody does not want to be converted, the missionary will accept the rejection and go on his way. The Judeo-Christian tradition insists that its followers hate the sin but love the sinner. Forgiveness and loving your enemy are basic precepts. Jesus ordered Christians not to judge others without first looking at your own failings. And Jews and Christians are also told to follow the Natural Law, which includes the 10 commandments. Central to the Judeo-Christian tradition is the idea that the freedom we have achieved as a society is unique and God-given. Consider carefully President Bush’s statement at the 2003 State of the Union: “Americans are a free people, who know that freedom is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, it is God's gift to humanity.” This quotation is central to understanding the Biblical-based conservative viewpoint: it is against God’s will to restrict the liberty of others. Secular humanists have no such foundational philosophy. Their morality changes with time. One day something is wrong and then because a small group of people decide that it’s actually right, it becomes right. Then opposing what has always been wrong becomes an intolerant and discriminatory position because the minority view has decided on its own that morality has to change to suit the new, “modern” viewpoint. A Shifting Worldview So, in the “modern” viewpoint, what is right and what is wrong? Well, it depends. Murder is sometimes wrong – except when you want to murder an inconvenient baby or an inconvenient old person – and then it becomes right. Stealing is sometimes wrong – except when you are stealing from people who deserve to have their things stolen, such as rich people and people whose viewpoints disagree with your own. Discrimination is wrong – unless you discriminate against conservatives, Christians and white people – in which case it is right. Is respecting your mother and father right or wrong? Well, sometimes it’s right but sometimes in our modern culture the kids simply know best. Don’t they? Consider for a moment the decades of denial of liberal secular humanists regarding the evils of Communism. Today most thinking people, including some secular humanists, have begun to recognize exactly how horrific Communism was under Stalin and Mao and how terrible it continues to be under Castro. Millions were murdered in the name of “reason” and “progress,” killings that were really about the maintenance of tyranny. Why did liberal secular humanists spend decades defending these systems? Why do some of them still have the effrontery to defend Castro today, in the wake of the recent murders of people who dare to speak out against the dictator? The reason it is difficult for liberal secular humanists to find their moral bearings is that they have no centered system of beliefs. They have no moral anchor on which to determine right and wrong. Ethics become situational, and justifying behavior that most people understand as immoral becomes easier and easier. People who value personal freedom should consider this issue with extreme care. In a secular humanist-dominated world, it is only a matter of time until the group that is persecuted is one that is important to you.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, August 08, 2003 - 12:33 pm ![]() Have we in the West become too stupid to survive? This is the question that author Craige McMillan poses in his commentary, “Survival of the Wise or Demise of the Stupid?” at http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33971 Excerpt: There is a question that haunts me these days. It is especially intense since 9-11. It's not a polite question. But it is important. I wonder: Have we in the West become too stupid to survive? I ask this question because Sandra Day O'Connor and a majority of her fellow Supreme Court justices found an exception to the due process and equal protection amendment to the Constitution. The exception enabled colleges and universities to continue discriminating against white people to advance "diversity" – whatever that is. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. O'Connor found a right to homosexual sodomy tucked away in the Court's archives, perhaps left over from their Roe v. Wade lawmaking. I've looked for those "rights" in the Constitution. They are not there. Now Mrs. O'Connor is traveling the nation promoting her new book, "The Majesty of the Law." Adoring crowds listen to her while she eulogizes the Constitution. I ask because 40 years ago homosexuals began infiltrating the Catholic Church priesthood. Today, these evil men have sodomized thousands of young boys to satisfy their sexual lust. They have left broken and self-loathing victims in every major American city. Financial settlements threaten to bankrupt the church. Yet across the aisle in protestantland, members of mainline Christian denominations are doing nothing to prevent their leadership from ordaining homosexual pastors. History is an accurate predictor: These men will most certainly follow in the footsteps of their Catholic brethren. How many young boys will they sodomize in the protestant churches, under the watchful eye of the hierarchy? I ask because every year illegal immigrants commit vicious, brutal crimes against citizens in America. Others arrive here to work illegally, bear children who are born and raised at taxpayer expense, receive taxpayer-funded medical care, and displace American citizens from jobs and educational opportunities. Yet many cities and some states have passed laws permitting illegal immigrants to receive identification documents and favorable tuition rates. Local law enforcement are warned not to inquire into the citizenship status of those they stop during the course of their duties, nor to cooperate with the INS. I ask because children are suffering from family breakup at record rates. Especially in "diverse" communities many children have no idea who their father is. Taxpayers pay to raise these children, only to put many of them into jail when they grow up angry at the world for lack of a father and two-parent upbringing. Still, multitudes of citizens are favorably inclined toward "homosexual marriage" and adoption as advocated by militant homosexual pressure groups. Yet the essence of the homosexual lifestyle is unrestrained sexual lust: hundreds of other partners while in a "committed relationship." The result is a sexually transmitted disease epidemic and early death from HIV and the opportunistic infections that follow. How does redefining marriage to sanction homosexual lust – and the inevitable expansion of heterosexual extramarital lust that will most certainly follow it – strengthen the family and produce fewer angry children headed for a lifetime of taxpayer-funded incarceration? I ask because public education is a mandatory monopoly. And we pay for it whether or not we have children, and whether or not we send those children to public schools. Costs continue to rise and achievement scores remain in the gutter, despite being revised downward to accommodate "diversity." Many public schools are physically dangerous to students. Disrespect and increasingly violent behavior are directed at teachers every day. Yet the solution trumpeted by many parents, teachers, elected officeholders and state and federal bureaucrats is more money lifted from taxpayers and poured down the same public rathole, while voucher and other private initiatives have their throats ripped out by the teachers' unions. I ask because the majority of journalists in America today occupy a fortified ivory tower called the First Amendment. It gives them – and, in theory, we the people – the right to learn how our government is conducting itself. On 9-11, I heard the naked fear in newscasters' voices as the towers fell. Today, I hear nothing but contempt and loathing for those trying to defend us from further attacks. Their contempt for America permeates their thinking, writing and talking. There is no commitment to truth – the academic establishment that bred them denies truth's very existence. Read his entire commentary at http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33971 © 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, October 29, 2003 - 04:21 pm ![]() Study Says Gay Adoptions More Likely US adoption agencies now look more favorably to placing children with gay and lesbian couples, a report said Wednesday. Sixty percent of agencies accept applications from lesbians and gay men and 40 percent have placed children with homosexual couples, according to a study by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute. If this isn't "cultural suicide," then what is?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, December 02, 2003 - 11:52 am ![]() Meet the “Killer Culture” is WND's shocking, insightful probe that explores the “gangsta generation”. Coming soon in Dec. 2003: Ever wonder why rap music and gangland clothing, extreme body piercing and tattooing, boundless sexual experimentation and other harmful behaviors have taken such a powerful hold on today's young people – and at progressively younger and younger ages? America's bizarre and hyper-sexualized youth culture is the focus of the upcoming December issue of WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine. This special edition, titled "Killer Culture," has been in the works for almost a year, and promises to shed an unprecedented journalistic light on why, to many observers, today's youth culture increasingly resembles the wanton, pagan days of Sodom and Gomorrah. If you really want to understand what has happened to America's culture – and most importantly, how to protect your own children and effectively fight the "culture war" – check out Whistleblower’s “Killer Culture” story. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35904 Also on American culture and children: Stress Is Making Kids Sick Excerpt: A kindergartener worried so much about school, she suffered chest pains and had to be rushed to the emergency room. A 5-year-old was plagued by anxiety attacks that left him gasping for breath. A 12-year-old complained of intense abdominal pains and chronic headaches. His pediatrician blamed the dizzying pace of the boy's life: band practice, soccer, tennis, piano lessons, homework, the hours spent preparing for his bar mitzvah. These children are not alone. Physicians are seeing patients as young as 5 suffering from stress-related health problems typically found in harried adults. Pediatricians are reporting a rise in chronic fatigue, stomach aches and sleep disorders. Therapists say they're treating more children for anxiety and depression. The stress of multiple activities, the hectic rhythms of households, and the pressure to succeed academically, athletically and socially are literally making children sick. Full story at: http://thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1069846285956&call_pageid=968867505381&col=969048872038
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, December 27, 2003 - 02:25 pm ![]() Child Abuse In Government Schools by Neal Boortz http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36326 The children sit in a circle. Some are wearing mittens; others are waiting expectantly with little plastic shovels. The rules of the game state that a few of the children must do nothing but sit and watch as the action begins. On the leader's "Go!" the children scramble for 100 pennies that have been scattered on the floor in the center of the circle. The players with mittens are having a rough time picking up any pennies at all. The kids with shovels are scooping up some pretty good numbers, while the kids working with their bare hands experience modest success. What's going on here? Is this some new type of gambling game being played by our children in order to avoid real exercise? Are drugs involved? Is sex? No ... it's a classroom exercise – an exercise quite possibly unfolding in a classroom in some government school near you. The official title is "Activity 2 Economic Justice: The Scramble for Wealth and Power." It was created by professor David Shiman at the Center for World Education at the University of Vermont, and is distributed to our government school teachers by the Human Rights Resource Center at the University of Minnesota. This "Scramble for Wealth and Power" is an exercise designed by Shiman to show your children how wealth and power is "distributed" in our society. Once the exercise is completed the children with shovels will have more pennies (the rules also allow the use of candy or peanuts), the kids wearing mittens will have less. The participants who were not allowed to scramble for pennies will have nothing. The pennies, of course, represent the world's wealth. After the scramble is completed, the students with many pennies are told that they may give some pennies to their classmates with less, if they want to. If they do decide to give away some pennies, they will be honored on a list of "donors." During the second part of this exercise students are asked to devise plans for a fair distribution of the pennies. They are asked to pass judgment on the other students who did or did not give away some pennies to others, and whether or not there should be a redistribution of wealth in America, and how to accomplish this redistribution. Later, these kids are asked to write papers on such topics as "Can poor people really achieve human rights?" and "How do wealth and power affect one's ability to enjoy human rights and human dignity." So, while you think your precious children are off at their local government school learning how to read, how to do basic mathematical computations, how to communicate effectively in the English language – plus a bit about science, health, our economic system and American and world history – your kids may instead be engaging in exercises created by leftist, anti-capitalist college professors designed to teach them that wealth is distributed, rather than earned, and that our economic system is based on something comparable to a mad scramble for pennies. Here, I want you to read the entire instructions for this classroom exercise. http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/edumat/hreduseries/tb1b/Section2/activity2.html Go through the entire exercise and see if you can find the word "earn" one single time. Read the exercise for yourself and see if you can find one reference to actually working to acquire wealth. Look for any reference to the benefits that can flow from good decision making. Students, for instance, are given the opportunity to donate pennies to others, but the exercise does not give students with more pennies the option of actually hiring a student with less to actually perform some task or chore (clean out my book bag?) in exchange for a few pennies. No! Never! We can't teach that in a government school! Why in the world would we want to teach school children that preparation, knowledge, training, hard work and good decision making are the keys to acquiring wealth? These institutions are no longer schools. They are government indoctrination centers, owned and operated by government and staffed by government employees who have every reason to teach dependency on government and no reason to produce a generation of children who have learned how to depend on themselves. The single most prevalent form of child abuse in this country is the act of sending a child to a government school. We worry incessantly about the separation of church and state. We would do well to devote half as much attention to the separation of government and education. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36326
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, January 01, 2004 - 12:49 pm ![]() Have you noticed the number of kids going to school dressed in military fatigues? The number of video games where the object is simply to kill without reason? More scary observations about America can be found at The Understanding America teaching its children to lie, steal - and kill http://www.rense.com/general47/under.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, January 02, 2004 - 08:15 pm ![]() I Had A Drug Problem When I Was Young I was drug to Church. I was drug to weddings and funerals of friends and relatives. If I misbehaved at any of those I was drug outside. I was drug to family reunions and expected to kiss the aunts. I was drug to the bus to go to school every day school was in session. I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults and teachers. I was drug to the bathroom for soap applied to my mouth when I used bad words. I was drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my father. I was drug back to the woodshed when I talked back to my mother. Those drugs are still in my veins. They affect my behavior in everything I do, say and think. They are stronger than cocaine, crack or heroin and if today's children had this kind of drug problem America would certainly be a better place! --Author Unknown
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, January 06, 2004 - 12:45 pm ![]() Concerning Steve Stock's message on 12/27 about Child abuse in schools: I followed the link to the money exercise and then looked at the appendix. There is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Regular English Version)link that is quite telling. Look at the articles and see how much it talks about the United Nations. Articles 1,3,14,16,22,23, and 29 are very interesting. And nowhere does it mention that people have the right to defend themselves. I guess we know what that means.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, January 17, 2004 - 11:42 am ![]() The Marketing of Evil, Part 1: Selling Sex and Corruption To Your Kids by David Kupelian Editor's note: This is the first part of a groundbreaking, two-part series on today's youth culture, by WND Vice President and Managing Editor David Kupelian. It is a frank and in-depth exploration of an often-shocking subject, and may not be suitable reading for children. Parental discretion is advised. Part 1: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36598 The Marketing of Evil, Part 2: Why Today’s Youth Culture Has Gone Insane http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36599
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 06:55 pm ![]() Study: Social Problems Equally Bad In Suburbs Parents fleeing city for more wholesome environment won’t find it http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36824 Suburban students are just as likely as their urban counterparts to have sex, smoke, drink, use illegal drugs and engage in delinquent behavior, according to a new study. Many parents have fled urban schools seeking a safer and more wholesome environment for their children, but the Manhattan Institute says its survey indicates families face similar issues in the suburbs. The study, "Sex, Drugs, and Delinquency in Urban and Suburban Public Schools," was authored by institute Senior Fellow Jay P. Greene and Senior Research Associate Greg Forster. The results are based on data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and other federal agencies. The survey is considered a breakthrough for research on adolescent behavior because the students' privacy was protected by allowing them to listen to the questions through headphones and enter their answers on laptop computers. Highlights of the study include: · Urban and suburban schools are virtually identical in terms of widespread sexual activity. Two-thirds of all suburban and urban 12th graders have had sex; 43 percent of suburban 12th graders and 39 percent of urban 12th graders have had sex with a person with whom they did not have a romantic relationship. · Pregnancy rates are high in both suburban and urban schools, although they are higher in urban schools; 14 percent of suburban 12th grade girls and 20 percent of urban 12th grade girls have been pregnant. · Over 60 percent of suburban 12th graders have tried cigarette smoking, compared to 54 percent of urban 12th graders; 37 percent of suburban 12th graders have smoked at least once a day for at least 30 days, compared to 30 percent of urban 12th graders. · Alcohol use followed a similar pattern; 74 percent of suburban 12th graders and 71 percent of urban 12th graders have tried alcohol more than two or three times; 63 percent of suburban 12th graders and 57 percent of urban 12th graders drink without family members present; 22 percent of suburban 12th graders and 16 percent of urban 12th graders have driven while drunk. · About four out of ten 12th graders in both urban and suburban schools have used illegal drugs; 20 percent of suburban 12th graders and 13 percent of urban 12th graders have driven while high on drugs. · Urban and suburban students are about equally likely to engage in other delinquent behaviors such as fighting and stealing. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36824
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, February 03, 2004 - 03:50 pm ![]() ‘Killer Culture’: A Call To The Churches Christian researcher George Barna, who has been warning the churches for years about the growing destructive influence of the mass media culture, despairs of our current situation. A recent national survey taken by Barna's organization concluded that of the dominant social influences, including things like movies, television, books, popular music, parents, politicians and the like, the churches do not even make it to the top dozen "influencers" in our culture. This does not bode well for the future of America since the churches are our primary wisdom source when it comes to nurturing families. Without that wisdom in society, the culture runs wild – and children are its primary victims . . . More and what we can do at http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=36769
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, February 22, 2004 - 03:03 pm ![]() Why Don’t We Blush Anymore? by Betty Freauf Excerpt: Every time we turn on T.V. these days we get a steady diet of death, violence, war, perversion, filthy language being bleeped but we can all read lips. Psychiatry has so sapped our moral outrage that when we hear of some teenager giving birth to a baby, disposing of it in the trash can and then returning to the dance floor, it doesn't even bother us . . . A recent article noted that 50% of people who call themselves Christian dabble in pornography . . . Has the subtle side of gradualism worked while the sheep slept? Read the rest of Betty Freauf’s commentary at http://www.newswithviews.com/Betty/Freauf48.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, March 02, 2004 - 04:53 pm ![]() How To Destroy America Article by Frosty Wooldridge http://www.frostywooldridge.com/articles/art_how_to_destroy_america_2003.html
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, March 05, 2004 - 04:57 pm ![]() Does Homosexual Marriage Signal America’s Undoing? Article by Chuck Baldwin “By accepting homosexuality, America is now fueling the flames of debauchery. When homosexuality is finally and fully accepted by American law, pedophilia and other more onerous behavior will not be far behind. As such, America is on the verge of a self-induced implosion . . .” http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin167.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, March 06, 2004 - 11:12 am ![]() Rep. Ron Paul: Constitutional action not needed to stem same-sex marriage. Amendment Only Empowers Government http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2004/tst030104.htm Excerpt from Ron Paul’s “Gay Marriage Quicksand” article: Marriage is first and foremost a religious matter, not a government matter. Government is not moral and cannot make us moral. Law should reflect moral standards, of course, but morality comes from religion, from philosophy, from societal standards, from families, and from responsible individuals. We make a mistake when we look to government for moral leadership. Marriage and divorce laws have always been crafted by states. In an ideal world, state governments enforce marriage contracts and settle divorces, but otherwise stay out of marriage. The federal government, granted only limited, enumerated powers in the Constitution, has no role whatsoever. However, many Americans understandably fear that if gay marriage is legalized in one state, all other states will be forced to accept such marriages. They argue that the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution essentially federalizes the issue; hence a constitutional amendment is necessary. But the Defense of Marriage Act, passed in 1996, explicitly authorizes states to refuse to recognize gay marriages performed in other states. Furthermore, the Supreme Court repeatedly has interpreted the Full Faith and Credit clause to allow Congress to limit the effect of state laws on other states. In fact, federal courts almost universally apply the clause only to state court judgments, not statutes. So a constitutional amendment is not necessary to address the issue of gay marriage, and will only drive yet another nail into the coffin of federalism. If we turn regulation of even domestic family relations over to the federal government, presumably anything can be federalized. The choices are not limited to either banning gay marriage at the federal level, or giving up and accepting it as inevitable. A far better approach, rarely discussed, is for Congress to exercise its existing constitutional power to limit the jurisdiction of federal courts. Congress could statutorily remove whole issues like gay marriage from the federal judiciary, striking a blow against judicial tyranny and restoring some degree of states’ rights. We seem to have forgotten that the Supreme Court is supreme only over lower federal courts; it is not supreme over the other branches of government. The judiciary is co-equal under our federal system, but too often it serves as an unelected, unaccountable legislature. It is great comedy to hear the secular, pro-gay left, so hostile to states’ rights in virtually every instance, suddenly discover the tyranny of centralized government. The newly minted protectors of local rule find themselves demanding: “Why should Washington dictate marriage standards for Massachusetts and California? Let the people of those states decide for themselves.” This is precisely the argument conservatives and libertarians have been making for decades! Why should Washington dictate education, abortion, environment, and labor rules to the states? The American people hold widely diverse views on virtually all political matters, and the Founders wanted the various state governments to most accurately reflect those views. This is the significance of the 10th Amendment, which the left in particular has abused for decades. Social problems cannot be solved by constitutional amendments or government edicts. Nationalizing marriage laws will only grant more power over our lives to the federal government, even if for supposedly conservative ends. Throughout the 20th century, the relentless federalization of state law served the interests of the cultural left, and we should not kid ourselves that the same practice now can save freedom and morality. True conservatives and libertarians should understand that the solution to our moral and cultural decline does not lie in a strong centralized government. http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2004/tst030104.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 05:37 pm ![]() The Fraud of Multiculturism By Debbie O’Hara "Multiculturalism has caused the deconstruction of all meaning in a child's education. The West's quest for universal truth has been replaced by the emptiness of Multiculturalism. There is no framework on which our children can decide what is important and what is trivial. Without truth only the latest fads become the basis of instruction." Read the full commentary at http://www.newswithviews.com/Ohara/debbie20.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 04:39 pm ![]() American Culture Takes A Hit Charlotte Iserbyt commentary Excerpt: The sick behavior of some of our military at the Abu Ghraib prison outside of Baghdad has left an everlasting blot on America's reputation as a world leader . . . A society which considers itself religious and is tolerant at best of foul language, pornography, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, torture, etc. can be expected to turn out young people who see nothing wrong with immoral acts, including torture. (I was astounded by a CNN Poll taken May 2 reporting 44% of Americans approve of torture ( under certain conditions, I would hope!) while 56% do not approve of torture under any conditions.) If this is the case, Americans will have no problem whatsoever living under a totalitarian form of government being implemented as I write. More at http://www.newswithviews.com/iserbyt/iserbyt17.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 07:53 am ![]() Abortion may drag us to history's grave Anthropologists tell us two of the biggest indicators of a doomed civilization are the practice of infanticide and human sacrifice. In other words, cultures and species that kill their young do not survive. If history really does repeat itself, then American society may also be doomed to extinction. http://michnews.com/artman/publish/article_3664.shtml
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, June 05, 2004 - 01:23 pm ![]() The True Cost of Things Excerpt: The day Wal-Mart came to town, the townsfolk were downright joyful about it. A huge, brand new, job-providing, property tax paying mega-store planting itself on the edge of the community. And did I mention huge? And amazingly low prices, too! Get the kids! Let’s go shopping! And they did. Suddenly that $25 widget at the downtown hardware store could be had for a mere $14.95 . . . . . . Too late. This town, this community of decent, hard-working people, was addicted, and they didn’t even know it. Having sold their souls to Wal-Mart’s company store for a cheap consumer high, their fate was sealed. They never realized they were degrading themselves, their friends, their families, and their community—just by going shopping. Every purchase is political. Every purchase affects the environment. Every purchase is your conscience. Every purchase is a vote. Every purchase is a prayer. Every purchase matters. Buy local. Buy little. Buy organic. Live in the world you want to create. Create the world you want to live in. http://www.alternativesmagazine.com/index.html
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, July 06, 2004 - 10:22 am ![]() Spiritual Warfare In 21st Century America America suffers from “Disease of Affluence.” One result from this spiritual affliction is that America has become the world’s leader in producing serial killers. A century of observation has enabled experts to create a fairly reliable serial killer “profile”: a large majority are white (84%), heterosexual (86%), male (90%), and typically between the age of 20-30 when beginning their crimes (70%, with another 26% beginning in their teens.) 76% of the world's serial killers were born and raised in the United States of America. Our nearest rival is England, with 17%. Bear in mind that the US, while sporting three quarters of all serial killers, has but 6% of the world's population. “We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war...our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very p---ed off..."--Tyler Durden, in Chuck Pahlaniuk’s "Fight Club" http://www.rense.com/general54/spit.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 12:45 pm ![]() Collectors pay more than £5000 for dead fetuses Dead babies are being traded for thousands of pounds by a secretive network of collectors who prize them as trophies. The children, who were either stillborn or aborted as fetuses, are being kept in people's homes after being sold by medical institutions or schools that are closing down. Specimens are changing hands for more than £5,000 each. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/08/01/ncurio01.xml&sSheet=/portal/2004/08/01/ixportal.html $30 Million For Chinese Abortions “The Bush administration yesterday announced it will withhold a $34 million payment from the United Nations Population Fund to China over the issue of forced abortions,” WorldNetDaily reported on July 17th. The first reaction of many upon hearing that would be, “Well see, there you go. We’ve been telling you all along that Bush is pro-life. Just think what Kerry would have done. He would have raised China’s abortion payment!” But that was the good news. The bad news is that the $34 million we quit sending the Chinese is only chump change compared to what we are still sending the other international peddlers of death. The real shocker in this story is the fact that American taxpayers unwittingly donate $400 million every year to the international child-killing industry. http://www.newswithviews.com/Brownlow/david2.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, September 04, 2004 - 09:50 am ![]() Between Joel Osteen, George Bush, Jr. And Pat Tillman By Anthony LoBaido While the Republican Party and the Bush Jr. Administration may have abandoned the culture war in America, that doesn’t mean all decent Americans can’t take a long look at what that abandonment has meant on various levels; the material, the cultural, the sexual, the mental, the emotional, the economic and most importantly the spiritual… Let’s take a quick perusal at American’s culture and sampling of what has been produced over the past four years under the Bush Jr. Administration’s watch while he chose to completely disengage from the culture war and focus on Iraq . . . See http://www.rense.com/general57/joel.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, October 07, 2004 - 09:44 am ![]() The United States ranks 139th out of 172 countries in voter turnout. Full commentary--"Why Don't Americans Care? Do you know who Halliburton is? Dick Cheney? How about Karl Rove? Alas, most Americans don't"--at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/g/a/2004/10/06/notes100604.DTL
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 11:15 am ![]() We Are Becoming A Nation of Gamblers A survey by Harrah's found that one out of every four Americans over the age of 21 (26 percent) had gambled at a casino in 2002. This figure is up a million and a half over the previous year. According to the American Gaming Association, last year the number rose to 53.4 million people — a gain of more than 2 million. Money spent on gambling alone (excluding food, rooms and entertainment) hit $27 billion (gross) last year — twice as much as 10 years ago. That's just counting the money bet at casinos. When you consider all of the other forms of gambling available — state lotteries, horse and dog tracks, cruise ships, highway video poker machines and the Internet — the number is significantly higher. Ed Loomey, head of the New Jersey Council on Compulsive Gambling, said gambling is "flourishing" and puts the number at $900 billion. The National Council on Problem Gambling estimates 65 percent of American adults have gambled in some form or another in the past year. Though there are no hard data, NCPG Executive Director Keith Whyte said anecdotal evidence suggests the frequency — how often an individual bets — is going up. In other words, according to Whyte, some people "who used to gamble monthly are now gambling weekly and using more types of gambling activities." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,134922,00.html
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, January 15, 2005 - 06:05 pm ![]() Why The West Is Riding For A Fall A little book with a big title, Dark Age Ahead, published last year, tracked the ebbs and flows of civilizations over centuries. It came to this chilling conclusion: "We show signs of rushing headlong into a Dark Age." Not slipping towards a Dark Age. Rushing. Full commentary at http://www.rense.com/general61/wwhyh.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 06:19 am ![]() Hey that rense.com has a lot of controversial postings. They also post a lot of things that no one else will. Interesting site. It'll take more than a "hand basket" to transport this present age crowd. :*)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 09:18 am ![]() Eight Steps To Destroy America by former Governor of Colorado, Dick Lamm http://www.rense.com/general62/destroy.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 12:28 pm ![]() The Erosion of American Lives — Commentary by Nancy Levant, Sierra Times, Feb. 17, 2005 For all of us who are 50-years-old, or older, the world we lived in as children is completely gone. Nothing that exists resembles our lives, as youths, anymore. The greatest memories of my childhood revolved around my ability to wander. I walked, as a child, for miles and miles and miles, every day. I walked to woods, to creeks and streams, to fields, to rivers, to my nieces' and nephews' house in the next town over, to my sister’s house who also lived in a different town, to friends’ houses, to a stable, to find my father when he was on the golf course, to the swimming pool and holes, and to school. I was never afraid. I was never molested or threatened in any way. I was never afraid of the dark, and my parents were happy that their girl was strong, tanned, healthy, and suited to the outside world. I spent the bulk of my childhood being harmoniously a part of the great outdoors. The trees, bugs, and me – in perfect harmony. As I grew a bit, people began to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Every time asked, I said, "I want to be a mother." No one laughed. No one said I was too stupid to go to college. No one thought I was lacking in ambition, for in those times, being a mother had great value in the hearts of both men and women, but also in the community and nation, at large. Motherhood was known to be a job, a difficult one, and a full-time one. It was also held in high regard. And when I was young, people had many, many more practical knowledge skills. All fathers and brothers could fix cars, lawn mowers, tractors, boat engines, toasters, leaking faucets and spigots. They could fix broken septic systems and toilets and electrical problems. They could fix furnaces of every kind, and they could build just about anything from houses and barns to tree houses to furniture to patios. They could install windows and doors. They could fix tires, bicycles, motorbikes, and scooters. They could plant crops, design and plant vegetable gardens. They could hunt and fish and provide food, and they did. Most felt responsible for their families and provided for them. Women knew how to cook. They knew how to set tables. They knew how to can. They knew how to make clothes, to crochet, knit, quilt, make curtains, lace, rugs, and how to re-cover furniture. They knew what was wrong with their children without having to run to pediatricians for rashes and runny noses. They knew how to treat injuries and contusions without having to run to emergency rooms or clinics. They knew how and what kind of medicines to give to children, and they kept medicines on hand. They could diagnose and treat all ordinary childhood illnesses. Women knew how to save for rainy days, and they did. They knew how to keep pantries, and what was needed for storage. They knew not to waste money – ever, and they didn’t. And most women didn’t find or lift their self-esteem with tanning booths, bleached teeth, make-up, day spas, workout routines, designer clothing, chronic diets, and all the other television-implanted behaviors that damage females. And school children never saw armed guards and metal detectors in their school buildings. They never wore RFID tags or were spied upon while doing arithmetic. And school personnel did not decide upon a child’s sanity and document their findings in government files. Teachers taught what children needed to learn instead of conservation and ethics re-education from the United Nations. When times were tough, families buckled down and stopped spending money. They did not accumulate debt because they knew better. They knew that debt meant vulnerability. When times were good, they saved and were thrilled to death to be able to save because saving money meant that you had some money. Having money meant that you were doing well and had savings. Many people lived in cities and towns because there was very little crime. It was safe to live in the cities. Most people didn’t take drugs or even drink very much, because drinking alcohol was for special occasions, as a rule. And many, many people simply didn’t drink alcohol at all, and they were not looked upon as socially bankrupt. Crop farmers, dairymen, cattlemen, pig farmers, goat and poultry farmers and seed farming were all held in the highest regard by most people, because most were at least related to a farming family and knew how important farms were to the country. Building and expansion was performed on an as-needed basis. Urban and suburban expansion was taken to the people as plans so that they had a voice and a say in urban development. And the parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and the wilderness and water areas were loved and cared for by the American people. Don’t you ever believe otherwise. Today’s world feels much like an alien landscape to many of us living today. So many people, who are younger, don’t understand how much has been lost – how much individual liberty and freedom has been lost. For instance, human safety, security, and self-confidence have been enormously eroded. This is particularly true for women. The freedom of self-definition has all but gone by the wayside. Today media tells us how to look, how to eat, what to wear, where to shop, what to buy, what we need, what we want, on and on and on. It’s endless, endless mind control. Please consider this: 50 years ago, no one, minus parents, told anyone, any of the above. People today are virtually skill-less. The best way to demonstrate the dangerous vulnerability of people with no life skills is to imagine a nuclear event or any other event that would take out all power for one month. No car, no running water or stored water, no heat, probably no cash, probably 1 to 3 days of non-perishable foods on hand, no stored medicines or first aid supplies, no extra diapers, wipers, or formula, no potassium iodide, on and on. Add to this, no ability to find or chop wood, for you have no trees in your new neighborhoods and you do not own an axe or a hatchet, and besides, the forested lands are off-limits to people. You have no stove or fireplace. You know not how to fix even one appliance in your home. You have no heat source, no cooking source, and almost all of your food is processed boxed food, frozen, or microwave food. And you have no water at all and no cash on hand. The point I hope to make is that American people have lost and are continuing to lose, at a genuinely frightening pace, their basic rights under the Constitution, their liberties as American people, and their personal, individual freedoms. They’ve lost confidence, definition, life skills, grit, determination, bravery, ability, and gumption. It a hard thing to see, or even comprehend, if you are in your 20’s, 30’s, or even 40’s. But listen to me: you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. If even half as much is gone from you when you are in your 50s, as has eroded in my lifetime, then America is going to be gone. http://www.sierratimes.com/05/02/17/24_210_137_23_33328.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 02:16 pm ![]() Terri Schiavo Case Portends An Ominous Future for America Pastor Chuck Baldwin asks,"…where are the church leaders within the Religious Right on this issue? For the most part, they are silent. Why? Why are they not crying out for Terri? Is it because their hero, G.W. Bush, is also silent? Where is President Bush? Does not Terri fit into his ‘culture of life’ message? Where is his ‘compassionate conservatism’ for Terri?" Full commentary at http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin223.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, April 01, 2005 - 01:19 pm ![]() A Deadly Coincidence: School Shootings and Drugged Students I keep waiting for someone to notice the way the rash of school shootings the US has experienced has coincided with the massive program of drugging “over-active” students or those deemed to have an “attention deficit.” Medicating students has replaced counseling… http://www.michnews.com/artman/publish/article_7662.shtml
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, January 19, 2006 - 05:50 am ![]() American Heartland Furious Over Golden Globe Awards Right-wing radio talk show hosts took pot shots at the Globes yesterday. Stephen Bennett, of Straight Talk Radio, said: “When Hollywood is pumping out anti-family movies with sexually explicit, twisted and perverse themes that glorify homosexuality, transsexuality and every other kind of sexual immorality — then awarding itself for doing so — Middle America better take note." http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/lead-story359.htm Howard Stern: A National Disgrace The most shocking thing about Howard Stern goes beyond what he does on air. It is not so much that he has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars for such ignoble activity -- as it is that he has managed to accumulate a fan base large enough to generate that much revenue. http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/publish/printer_3083.shtml http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/publish/article_3083.shtml
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Monday, February 20, 2006 - 08:36 am ![]() Teen Nation Has Parents On Edge "Parents are deer in the headlights. They don't have a clue.” This isn't about crazy parties. It is about the culture of teen entitlement often found among, but not limited to, children from well-to-do families. Dean calls it a "dictatorship," and she's not talking about the parents in charge. Read about how “teens rule” by using technology to outwit and terrify helpless, unsuspecting parents. Full article at http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/02/18/BAG12HB6LU1.DTL
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, March 08, 2006 - 01:42 am ![]() Standards of Life in the Future: Think Grim I've had a couple of bad experiences recently that sharpened my worry about what life will be like for retirees in the future -- I fear that a catastrophe of declining standards of life is heading our way… See Ben Stein’s commentary, “How Not To Ruin Your Life” at http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/lead-story336.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 10:16 am ![]() I Am Outraged! Last week, 100,000 illegal aliens and their advocates marched on Chicago, demanding services and respect. That’s after they broke our Federal laws by entering our country illegally! ...If there is no battle and millions of Americans cowardly head for safer areas such as Montana or South Dakota, you will watch cities in the United States transform into poverty, misery, gangs, drugs, lawlessness and unending masses of wretched Third World poor. Think Bombay, Calcutta and Mexico City within the United States. What has happened in Los Angeles and hundreds of invaded cities will happen to most Americans in due time. This country fractures into more pieces than Humpty Dumpty, and once it happens, like a broken egg yoke, you can’t put it back together again. God help us because we’re in a world of hurt.-Frosty Wooldridge Full commentary at http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty135.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Thursday, March 16, 2006 - 03:26 pm ![]() I consider this cultural murder more that cultural suicide. I believe this has been planned by the puppet masters and is being carried out now by President Bush & Co.