Friday, December 27, 2002 - 09:13 pm Hi folks... My name is Dada Orwell; I just heard about your forum from someone at the Free State Project. I had heard of Strategic Relocation but didn't know Mr. Skousen had a forum up. It's really cool, and I'm glad it exists! As I look over the posts here I see almost exactly the same take on events that I see at the FSP. In fact, I'm surprised there isn't more crossover/mutual support activity between you and us. As some of you may already know, the FSP is working to persuade around 20,000 liberty-loving voters like you to move to a single, low-population state in the U.S. The goal is to nudge that state toward real Jeffersonian-style freedom. The project could use a lot more survivalists and survivalist input, better sooner than later. We expect to hit 5K members around the summer of '03, and at that time we are required by charter to vote on which state we will select. As of now, survivability issues are probably not getting as much attention as they deserve in our "which state debate." You can help change that. And, if we succeed, you can also take this "Foundations of the Ideal State" discussion from theory to reality. You will likely find you agree with 90% of the FSP agenda and disagree with the other 10%. That's exactly how most of us free staters feel. We're learning to look past our minor - and major - disagreements to the critical issue of reducing government power over our lives. I hope many of you can do the same and will consider joining us! Dada Orwell Free State Project