Sunday, September 05, 2004 - 07:17 pm Study: Hartford facing more urban struggles than most cities Despite ongoing urban renewal efforts, Hartford is ranked among the worst cities in America based on high levels of urban hardship, a new study finds. The study, conducted by the Rockefeller Institute of Government, found that cities with the highest and lowest levels of hardship have remained relatively unchanged in the last three decades. "For Hartford and cities like Hartford, the picture we get from our work has been the same for a long time," said Richard P. Nathan, who co-wrote the Urban Hardship Update for Albany, N.Y.-based institute. Hartford ranked seventh in the assessment. Tops were Miami, Newark, N.J., Gary, Ind., Detroit and Cleveland. Buffalo, N.Y., ranked sixth. The study measured categories such as unemployment, residents on government assistance, high school education, income, crowded housing and households below the federal poverty level. More at,0,7150560.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire