![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 05:04 pm ![]() Neoconservativism: The Cult of Techno-Socialism The actions taken by the Bush Administration in the aftermath of 9-11 have caused muckrakers from across the political spectrum to take a closer look at the hidden hand guiding the current President. Researchers, both left and right, have identified the same enemy: a faction of the elite known as neoconservatives. The exposure has led to mounting opposition against the neoconservative agenda from numerous grassroots activists. Now, several neoconservatives are launching a counterattack. The strategy is one of vilification. In an article for National Review, Michael Rubin characterized the neocons' opponents as anti-Semites obsessed with conspiracy theories (Rubin). Max Boot continued with the "conspiracy theory" angle, claiming that the neocons' opponents have overactive imaginations: “A cabal of neoconservatives has hijacked the Bush administration's foreign policy and transformed the world's sole superpower into a unilateral monster. Say what? In truth, stories about the 'neocon' ascendancy-and the group's insidious intent to wage preemptive wars across the globe-have been much exaggerated. And by telling such tall tales, critics have twisted the neocons' identities and thinking on U.S. foreign policy into an unrecognizable caricature.” (Boot) Why have the neocons' retaliation been so aggressive? Do they simply wish to "set the record straight"? Are Rubin and Boot merely trying to correct several misconceptions over neoconservatism? The tone of their rhetoric and apologetics suggest another motivation: obfuscation. The neocons realize that continued exposure will eventually lead to the destruction of even the most well constructed disguise. One individual who realizes that the neocons have camouflaged their real intentions is Pulitzer Prize winning author Seymour Hersh. Hersh characterized the neocons in the following way: "...one of the things that you could say is, the amazing thing is we are been taken over basically by a cult, eight or nine neo-conservatives have somehow grabbed the government" (Hersh). Cults are usually very adept at the concealment game. Many times the masquerade is so effective that a group's own members do not even realize they are part of a cult. What lies at the center of the cult of Neoconservatism? The Neoconservative cult has always paraded around under a patriotic, pro-American, anticommunist facade. What lies behind this veneer? Frank Fischer answers this question in his book Technocracy and the Politics of Expertise: "...neoconservativism is at base an elitist ideology aimed at promoting a new group of conservative technocrats." (172) What is a "technocrat?" A technocratic society, or Technocracy, can be defined as follows: “Technocracy, in classical political terms, refers to a system of governance in which technically trained experts rule by virtue of their specialized knowledge and position in dominant political and economic institutions.” (Fischer 17) Professor Carroll Quigley also wrote about a dictatorship of "experts," suggesting that a cognitive elite "will replace the democratic voter in control of the political system" (Quigley 866). Of just such a democracy of "experts," Freemason and Fabian socialist H.G. Wells stated: “The world's political organization will be democratic, that is to say, the government and direction of affairs will be in immediate touch with and responsive to the general thought of the educated whole population.” (The Open Conspiracy: H.G. Wells on World Revolution, 26) Literary critic and author W. Warren Wagar comments on this statement: “Read carefully. He did not say the world government would be elected by the people, or that it would even be responsive to the people just to those who were ‘educated.’” (Wells, The Open Conspiracy: H.G. Wells on World Revolution, 26) Wells would elaborate on the concept of Technocracy in his novel entitled The Shape of Things to Come. Disguised as "science fiction," Wells' roman a' clef propagandized the masses on behalf of world government. In its pages, one finds an elucidating portrait of the technocratic tradition that spawned neoconservativism. Read the entire article at: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/Commentary/Technocrats.htm