Monday, October 08, 2001 - 04:00 pm PREPARING FOR A BIOLOGICAL ATTACK 1. Be prepared—keep a gas mask handy at home, at work (especially in high-rise office buildings where the mask can help you escape in smoky or dusty conditions), and in the trunk of your car. A gas mask by your bedside is your best option in a fire for escape and rescue of your family.There are other natural preparations that I believe are effective, including some new detox homeopathic preparations. Check with the Herbal Healing Academy at 870-269-4177 or This academy has excellent prices, information, and products. I have no financial interest in any of the recommendations I make. 3. If you begin to have symptoms, begin antibiotic treatment immediately, under the care of a physician, if available. Chances are high that despite government assurances, there will not be enough antibiotics to go around in a major biological attack, so it is important to live healthily and stockpile natural alternatives. Learn to live with alternative remedies before your life depends on them since it takes some skill and sensitivity to learn to recognize your own body’s feedback signals giving you hints about what it needs. Remember, too, that natural solutions only work well when your body is NOT loaded down with food, especially junk food or cooked food, which have no live enzymes. GAS MASK RECOMMENDATIONS What to Avoid If you have already purchased one of these items (or this is all you can find), go ahead and use the item. But don’t pay more than $20 or $30 for the mask or filter. Otherwise choose from the “OK Choices” list below.
OK Choices These masks cost from the low to moderate range ($30 to $150). Israeli Civilian or M15 military version masks. These are usually the best buy, but they are only acceptable if you replace the stock filter cartridge with a current, dated M95 filter cartridge, which gives the full range of modern protection. Military personnel used to the finest equipment will likely denigrate this choice, but my personal experience with these masks says they are very functional for civilian uses. Adult and youth sizes are available. Current Model Choices These items cost from the moderate to expensive range ($200 to $300). In my opinion, the expense is too high unless you are certain you are going into a high-threat zone where you need the best. All masks have drinking straw options and other high tech features and are lightweight.
Sources There are hundreds of sources for gas masks and filters. Prices vary wildly now and, not surprisingly, availability is low, low, low. It will start to come back in a couple of weeks. Beware of Internet sources that are charging more than the average pre-September 11 prices mentioned here—it means they are taking advantage of the crises. I wouldn’t pay more than $250 for even the best masks. Most acceptable mask should be below $150. Best buys are under $74. Three good sources for masks and filters are: http://www.4starmilitarysurplus.comThere are others. No distributor carries the full line of different masks, so you’ll have to search around on the Internet. If you find others with reasonable prices, please email me at and I will post the information.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2001 - 12:10 pm How does one detect biological agents? I live downwind of the Tooele Army Depot's chemical weapons storage and disposal facility (as do many in Utah) and I've always figured no one will be able to warn us until it is too late. If we had access to a shelter with HEPA filters, would it be wise to stay there? If we did stay, what sorts of procedures would we use to decontaminate our living areas? I know I have a lot of questions here. Perhaps there is a book you could recommend that would cover all this.
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Monday, February 24, 2003 - 06:09 pm "The Bio-Terror Bible: Know What Army Lab Knows About Deadly Germ Agents" is an excellent overview that WorldNetDaily published on Feb. 24, 2003. You can find it at the following link: WorldNetDaily published highlights from bio-defense training manuals it obtained from the US Army. The training course, called "Biological Sampling and Detection," is being taught to National Guard units by scientists at the Dugway Proving Ground, a top Pentagon bioweapons research lab in Utah.
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Friday, April 04, 2003 - 10:56 pm SARS--A Great Global Scam by Dr. Leonard Horowitz
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Monday, April 07, 2003 - 11:01 am I can't get the link to work. Can you check and provide us with an update?
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Monday, April 07, 2003 - 01:05 pm Darrell, try one of these. Or type in a search: SARS “great global scam”. -- just tested the link, and the story's back up again.
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Monday, April 28, 2003 - 07:17 pm How To Make An Emergency Gas Mask From Popular Science, Dec. 1942