![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, January 12, 2001 - 03:35 am ![]() I want to add my support to the recommendation of the book "Day of Deceit" by Robert Stinnett [WORLD AFFAIRS BRIEF December 29, 2000], about the conspiracy that pushed the USA into WW2 via Pearl Harbour. It's excellent and revealing. I'd also like to recommend 3 additional books on the Pearl Harbour conspiracy for anyone interested in this subject: "The Final secret of Pearl Harbor" was published back in 1954 by Robert Theobald, who as a Rear Admiral in 1941 reported to Admiral Husband Kimmel, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, and was with him in in support of Kimmel's defense before the Roberts Commission investigation (one of 8 or 9 separate Pearl Harbour investigations). Theobald acknowledged that maintaining national morale and certain military secrets demanded confidence in FDR and his principal military advisors. However, he left no illusions as to who he believed were primarily responsible for provoking Japanese military aggression toward the USA, for dangling a big part of a deliberately weakened and exposed Pacific Fleet as bait, and for deliberately deceiving the Army and Navy commanders on Hawaii as to Japan's intentions to attack specifically Pearl Harbor, and denying them information that could have at least seriously blunted the Japanese attack and saved thousands of lives. The author makes an excellent case for President Roosevelt, General Marshall, then Chief of Staff, US Army, and Admiral Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, and certain members of their staffs having known primarily thru broken Japanese codes the intended time and place of the attack, and having conspired to keep that knowledge from the commanders on Hawaii. The book also includes a forward by Admiral William Halsey, who also was serving under Admiral Kimmel as one of three senior commanders of the Pacific Fleet on 12/07/41. Included in his forward are such statements as "I did not know then of any of the pertinent "Magic Messages"…the mass of evidence made available to us pointed in another direction…Had we known of Japan's minute and continued interest in the exact location and movement of our ships in Pearl Harbor, as indicated in the "Magic Messages", it is only logical that we would have concentrated our thought on meeting the practical certainty of an attack on Pearl Harbor…I have always considered Admiral Kimmel and General Short to be splendid officers who were thrown to the wolves as scapegoats for something over which they had no control." Ret'd Rear Admiral Theobald went public in lecturing on his findings shortly after WW2, and his book is well documented considering the information still under wraps in 1954. "Infamy, Pearl Harbor and its Aftermath" was researched and written by John Toland. Published in 1984, it benefits from far more available information that what was available to Admiral Theobald. For example, it reveals extensive knowledge on the part of Dutch East Indies military officers of the date, time and place of the attack, and their transmittal of that intelligence to US military brass in DC. I touches on warnings from other sources including Korean and European agents. It outlines Japanese espionage operations on Hawaii, which were known in DC but concealed from the Hawaii commanders, and which pinpointed the precise locations of US warships in Pearl Harbor. It details the Tyler Kent episode, in which Kent, a US embassy code and cipher clerk in England, discovered secret correspondence between FDR and Churchill that revealed their collaboration to push the US into WW2. It exposes numerous intrigues on the part of US military brass in DC to prevent the commanders on Hawaii from figuring out the when and where of the Japanese attack, including deliberate breakdowns of communications between Hawaii and DC, and delayed and circuitous routings of messages about the impending attack from DC to Hawaii. This book gives terrific exposure of the CYA efforts of not only General Marshall, Admiral Stark, and their immediate DC based staffs, but also of those of certain partisan Democrats in Congress to bury facts about the Pearl Harbour fiasco that would surely have embarrassed FDR and damaged the Democratic Party. The receptions and later disappearances of the "Winds Execute" message, the intimidations and blackmailings of various officers into changing their testimonies (some more than once), show the extent to which people went to protect the guilty. In my mind, the choicest quotation in the book is one regarding the day FDR died. "That day MacArthur talked to his military secretary, Brigadier General Bonner Fellers, as they drove to their quarters. "Well, the old man is gone," said MacArthur, "a man who never told the truth if a lie would suffice."" The research effort that went into this book is indicated by its nine page bibliography, which includes numerous interviews, personal correspondences, diaries, records, reports, magazine articles, and books. "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor", by James Rusbridger and Eric Nave was published in 1991, and focuses on and gives exciting details on the various codes and code-breaking activities leading up to and including the compromising of the so-called Purple Code and others used by the Japanese in preparation for their of attack on Pearl Harbour. Eric Nave, an Australian, served as far back as WW1 in the Australian and later the British Navies. Like others who lived for years in prospective enemy countries and later played important roles in international espionage operations, Nave spent many years in Japan and learned Japanese fluently. This book also includes account of code-breaking operations between the US, Britain, Germany, Japan, and other countries as well. The most significant thing abut this book, thought, is its conclusion that FDR was "out of the loop" as far as the conspiracy to drag the US into WW2. Churchill, General Marshall, Admiral Stark and others are saddled with enough culpability to put them away for the rest of their lives had they been ordinary espionage agents caught in the act. But FDR is considered by the authors of this book to have been kept in the dark. From reading these books, I was reminded of some interesting facts of life. The education, training and unusual capabilities of some of the persons involved in all aspects of the Pearl Harbour episode really impressed me. The extent to which some people will stoop in bloodshed and destroying lives, families and careers to accomplish their goals and further or protect their careers is beyond my comprehension. But there was one important issue not seriously addressed in any of these books: the real reasons why certain persons of power and responsibility wanted so much to involve the USA in another war. The authors probably were not much concerned with the reasons. I sometimes like to speculate on what might have happened if the US had managed to stay out of WW2 (and WW1, for that matter). It is my opinion that, basically, Russia would have been defeated and would not be the threat to America and the rest of the so-called free world as it is today. I believe the conflict between Germany and England and France would have been resolved with far less loss of life than it was. (Comments, anyone, please. I'd appreciate other opinions). It is my not so humble opinion that the real reason for the US being maneuvered into the war was to save Russia's bacon and its communist government and ideology from destruction. Seeing Harry Hopkins' name mentioned on and off in Toland's book reinforced this conclusion, and reminded me of Hopkins' complicity, as documented in "Major Jordan's Diaries" (I recommend reading this book, too), in transferring atomic bomb materials and technology to Russia during WW2. A part of one of Admiral Theobald's statements bears further consideration. "…in this atomic age, facilitating an enemy's surprise attack, as a method of initiating a war, is unthinkable." In a time when our presidential administration, corporate executives, some elected and appointed government officials, and apparently even high ranking military officers are collaborating in furnishing our avowed enemies, especially Russia and China, with money, equipment and technology to improve their own military capabilities, while decimating our own military forces morally, numerically and technically, there is evidence that causes me to suspect that America is being "set-up" again. The conduct of wars involving the US just since WW2 certainly contribute to that concern. Why did General Marshall and President Truman aid the communist takeover of China? Why was general MacArthur fired for wanting to win in Korea and complaining about the handicaps imposed on his forces? Why was promised air support withheld from the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? Why did the US not mine Haiphong Harbour early on in Vietnam? Why did President Bush, who was outwardly, at least, running the Gulf War, allow Saddam to "escape" and continue to plague us with threats of biological warfare? Are our military and political people really that stupid? As Gary Allen wrote in his book "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" (Yes, I recommend that book, too) "Why does our State Department "Stumble" from one Communist-aiding "blunder" to another?" His conclusion that the string of such coincidences stretches the law of averages a bit is something to consider.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, June 29, 2001 - 07:39 pm ![]() I have recently had phone and e-mail conversations with Edward Kimmel, only surviving son of Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Re. his efforts to gain restoration to highest-held rank for his father and General Walter Short, the Navy and Army commanders on Hawaii on 12/07/41. There are still more cats getting out of the bag that indicate that FDR & Co. knew when and where in advance. I just read the draft of an article by Admiral David Richardson which supports K&S against allegations of dereliction of duties. According to Ned Kimmel, this article will appear in the June/July American Heritage magazine. Another book hot off the press is "Pearl Harbor Betrayed" by Michael Gannon. I'm finding lots of experienced, high-ranking (Generals, Admirals) have written or made statements in support of K&S. Their main detractors, mostly politicians and historians, (probably with an "agenda") appear to be firing just hipshots with no accuracy or back-up. I have written to both President Bush and VP Cheney asking them to restore Kimmel and Short to their highest held ranks, and ask that you do likewise. White House address is White House, Washington DC 20500. For supportive reasons, some good ones can be found in the above posting. If you need additional ideas, please e-mail me at grethe.and.ralph@juno.com - please in the next couple of weeks. I know very well that Bush and Cheney and their "handlers" will likely stonewall any restoration of honour and rank for these men, but we need to let them know that we know what is really going on. After I mailed the letters to Bush and Cheney, I e-mailed copies to everyone on my address list with additional comments of my own and asked that they pass it along. I'll e-mail you a copy on request. It is the best way I can think of to get folks' attention away from the Tinseltown trash, soaps, and ball games, for a few minutes anyway, and at least become aware that there is lots of evidence of a conspiracy to get the Japanese to attack PH so the US people would support getting into WW2. And I've gotten some good results according to the feedback - and some flack as well, but that's OK. The more people become aware of these kinds of conspiracies, the more support we are going to have when the feathers really hit the fan. I too am finding a lot of people who just don't want to think about it, just can't imagine anybody doing something so horrible. But hit them with a good, well documented piece of evidence and it moves them enough so "the next time" they'll pay a little more attention.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, January 25, 2002 - 10:33 pm ![]() It has been interesting to read about the Japanees bombing of Pearl Harbor. Of course there where news in it for me, but in Denmark where I live, it really is old news. It's almost commen knowledge that the US government wanted to join the war, and they needed a reason to the American people to do so. 15 years ago I saw a program on Danish national TV about the knowledge of the US government and military had before the Pearl Harbor bombing. Since that I've seen additional programs, nor only on Danish national TV, but also on Swedish and english TV. From what I've seen, interceptet communication and monetering of japanees fleet and embassy clearly indicatet the attack, and there where more than time enough to warn Pearl Harbor. But of political reasons, no one was allowed to reveal their knowledge.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 04:21 am ![]() The first person I know of to really blow the whistle on the Pearl Harbour conspiracy coverup was a US Navy admiral who as an admiral was at PH on 12-7-41, and later retired to a town near where I lived. He wrote a book and spoke publically on his findings and participation in the first investigation, and followed subsequent investigations as advisor to the skapegoats. His book was endorsed by Admiral Halsey. At the time of the Battle of Midway, as commander of a destroyer flotilla he mistakenly ignored intel from DC (understandable in view of the mis/disinformation already received from DC prior to and Re. the PH attack) and led his destroyers toward another perceived threat and away from the Midway battle. Bad judgement or not, he spent most of WW2 land based in the Atlantic theater. This incident was used by certain persons, mostly polititians, to discredit his findings on the PH issue. Also, as I researched what I could on the investigations into the real blame for the "surprise", I discovered that character assasination including allegations of mental incompetency, was used to a tremendous extent in efforts to discredit other high ranking officers whos' testimony revealed conspiracy and coverup. Elected polititians, all democrats, seemed to be especially viscious at this, quite apparently to protect the democratic president and party, which would have been ruined had the truth come out. My point is that the use of character assasination is one of the most useful tools in discrediting a whistleblower. The game is to find some mis-step or anything done or said by the victim which can be brought into question, and throw all possible resources into the attack. I've seen the same tactic used in other issues, like the assasination of Ms. Howe and others during more recent OKC investigations.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Monday, November 04, 2002 - 11:10 am ![]() FYI, a new book on the Pearl Harbour Conspiracy http://www.geocities.com/mark_willey/pearl.html
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, April 26, 2003 - 11:16 am ![]() FYI, miscellaneous links on conspiracy in general: Conspiracy Scholar’s Nook http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/weekdx.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Saturday, December 06, 2003 - 02:39 pm ![]() The Pearl Harbor Deception Article by Robert B. Stinnett plus links to stories, letters and more http://www.independent.org/tii/news/021202Stinnett.html
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - 12:47 am ![]() The Japanese found out America was planning a sneak attack on them, so even the 'doves' in their parliament realized it was a waste of time to talk peace with America any further. They knew they had no choice but to attack because America would give them war no matter what. In 1992, I toured Civil Defense HQ in Hawaii with 15 friends. When we asked the CD Public Relations officer what kind of warning we would get if a Russian sub off shore launched missles on us, she said, we wouldn't be given any warning, because that would be military intelligence.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, December 01, 2004 - 07:45 pm ![]() Kimmel Case Dubbed 'Totally Political' By Fred L. Schultz Naval History, February 2004 Michael Gannon presented “new evidence” in support of the Pearl Harbor commanders recently at the National Press Club, but political expedience may be the factor that tips the scale. The Kimmel family and its supporters refuse to surrender. On 6 November 2003, the only living son and three grandsons of Husband Kimmel staged a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The event sustained their efforts to persuade the President of the United States to issue a proclamation, posthumously nominating Kimmel and Walter Short, respectively the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army commanders during the 7 December 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, for retirement at their highest wartime ranks—Admiral and Lieutenant General—under the Officer Personnel Act of 1947. According to Admiral Kimmel's son, Edward R. "Ned" Kimmel, supporters of this effort "are at war with the Department of Defense." After what he refers to as being "stonewalled at every turn" by the bureaucracy in the Pentagon (and in the White House, including a snubbing from Chief of Staff Andrew Card), he said, "I am now seeking assistance from the Press." As part of the Armed Forces Spending Authorization Act of 2001, both houses of Congress voted unanimously in September 2000 to exonerate Admiral Kimmel and General Short and to ask the President for the elusive restoration of rank. But congressional action apparently is not enough. When asked exactly what the family and its advocates are seeking, grandson Manning M. Kimmel IV replied, "It's real simple. We need one sentence from the Commander-in-Chief." Grandson Thomas K. Kimmel Jr. drew a parallel between the numerous Pearl Harbor investigations and the Kean Commission's current investigation of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. "You might call the comparison tenuous," he said. "Actually, the parallel is frightening. . . . [B]y declining to determine true accountability for the disaster at Pearl Harbor, an entire parade of administrations may have laid the groundwork for the success of the 9/11 attack. . . . And now, those same dynamics, which block accountability for the 9/11 disaster, may unwittingly lay the foundation for the next attack." In fact, Admiral Kimmel's son Ned volunteered to testify before the Kean Commission after reading about Chairman Thomas H. Kean's wish for more success than the "much criticized panels created after the bombing of Pearl Harbor." The featured speaker was Dr. Michael Gannon, Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of History from the University of Florida and a respected World War II historian, who presented "new evidence" that Kimmel and Short supporters claim bolsters their case. One of the key pieces of information, according to Gannon, comes from recently discovered documents indicating official Navy knowledge that the Japanese had developed successful shallow-water torpedoes, a fact never passed on to the Pearl Harbor commanders. The second key element in what the Kimmel family calls the vindication "smoking gun" points to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Ernest King's charge of dereliction of duty in 1944, based on Admiral Kimmel's choice of sectors in which long-range aerial reconnaissance would be conducted. Some sectors had been identified as "more dangerous," according to Admiral King, and Admiral Kimmel chose the wrong ones. But Gannon says that "recent research" (the basis of which he acknowledged using for a December 1994 article in the U.S. Naval Institute's Proceedings) indicates no such "more dangerous" list. Furthermore, Admiral Kimmel did not have sufficient numbers of patrol aircraft (49 PBY Catalinas) to conduct full-range surveillance over any one sector for more than four or five days. "Thus," said Gannon, "if following the so-called 'war warning' of 27 November Kimmel had thrown all his patrol aircraft into a single-sector search, the entire force would be down for repair or overhaul by 2 December, leaving the balance of days prior to 7 December unattended." Had the shallow-water torpedo information not been withheld from Admiral Kimmel at Pearl Harbor, said Gannon, "alarm bells would have sounded insistently in Kimmel's staff offices. But the knowledge was deep-sixed until found by a researcher 60 years later. Where now is the dereliction?" According to the Kimmel family and retired Naval Reserve Captain Vincent J. Colan, the matter remains mired in the Department of Defense, apparently in the office of Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness, David S. C. Chu. The department allegedly has drafted two memoranda: a "Do" recommendation, with evidence to support the restoration of rank, and a "Don't" recommendation, with arguments against such an action. Efforts by Captain Colan to obtain copies of their contents have thus far proved futile. "It's totally political," said former Chief of Naval Operations retired Admiral James Holloway. "We have to find a way that the President could make this judgment and politically benefit from it." As of press time, neither the Department of Defense nor the White House has made a further move on what has become known as "The Kimmel Case."
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wednesday, December 07, 2005 - 05:46 am ![]() December 7, 1945 Vs. September 11, 2005 - Infamous Comparisons December 7th marks the 60th anniversary of Imperial Japan's 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, which has often been likened to the 9/11 terrorist strikes. This past Sept. 11th was the fourth anniversary of Al-Qaeda's airborne assaults on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, which some have dubbed "the New Pearl Harbor." It's thought provoking to compare this four-year milepost to where America stood on Dec. 7, 1945, four years after what President Roosevelt called the "date which will live in infamy." http://www.rense.com/general69/compare.htm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Friday, December 09, 2005 - 01:22 pm ![]() As I see it, the attack on PH precipitated a tremendous gain in power for the Soviet Union and communism. PH provided FDR & Co. the needed excuse to get into WW2. Look what he I sould say he and his puppet masters, because I believe he had tham just a President Bush does now) then did for the USSR under the guise of defeating Germany. Thru Lend Lease the USSR received not only military equipment, but also atom bomb materials and technology and equipment for further building up its industrial capacity. (See references to Jordan and Sutton on this site) The USSR also came out of WW2 with a hugh increase of natural and human resources under its control, or population and land mass. With the increased strength of the Soviet Union, the rest is history, and Aamerica and freedom are weaker because of it.